London's Swifts Contents  To view a page - click on the Swift!


Swift chicks in a nestbox
© Ulrich Tigges

        Swifts by Abbie Hart, age 6 © Abbie Hart 


Nestboxes go up on Lambeth Hospital
© I Boulton

Swift Facts Swift Facts - why these magnificent, exciting birds are in deep trouble

News Pages News - all the latest news plus our collected story archive

Where Swifts Fly Where Swifts Fly - our map showing where Swifts breed, winter and fly

Swifts Matter Swifts Matter - why extinctions theaten us as well as the Planet

How you can help Swifts How you can help Swifts - easy to follow practical advice

Ideal Sites for Swifts Ideal Sites for Swifts - showing the many structures ideal for Swift nest sites

Roof Repairs & Re-Roofing Roof Repair & Re-Roofing - how to preserve and augment Swift nestplaces

Installing Swift Nest Places Fitting Swift Nest Places to a very wide variety of building types

Roof Repairs & Re-Roofing Swift Nest Bricks - very long lasting low to zero maintenance built in homes for Swifts

Installing Swift Nest Places "Do It Yourself" Nest Box patterns

Local help & advice Local Help & Advice - contact an expert near to you

Local Swift Groups Local Swift Groups - find a group working locally in the UK and across Europe

Moving to Italy or Spain? Moving to Italy, Spain, France or the Med? - Make your new home a Mecca for Swifts

Helping Swifts in Europe Helping Swifts in Europe - local experts who can advise you in local languages

Our Projects Our Projects - just a few of the many nest place projects we have promoted

Education & Research Education, Training & Surveys - lectures, presentations, seminars and surveys

Planning & Biodiversity Biodiversity & Town Planning- helping birds to survive within the Built Environment

Our Leaflets Our Leaflets - download our practical advice leaflets

Our Photo Gallery Our Photo Gallery - some of the best Swift photos in the whole wide World!

First Aid & Carers Swift First Aid & Carers - advice and help from experts in the UK and Europe

See Swifts Live! Videos, Webcams and Downloads - See Swifts in Action!

Shopping! Shopping - Nestboxes, Nest Bricks, Swift Call CD's, Swift Foods, CCTV and more

Who we are.... Who We Are & What We Do - a bit about our aims and ways of working

We Have Advised We Have Advised - some of the organisations we have helped

Credits Credits & Important Note - a big "thankyou" to all who have helped us plus a caveat

Contact Swift Conservation Need advice?  Contact us via this e-mail link                                       Back to Contents
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