have found a fallen Swift 
Don't throw it in the air - Don't feed it - Don't
Put your Swift in a quiet, warm, safe, calm & clean environment - a
ventilated shoe box is ideal
and put it somewhere away from any disturbance. See photo on the right - the Swift is calm
Take a photo and if you can, weigh the bird too - you can assess its age using the photos below
3. Give it water by running a wetted
cotton bud around the edge of the beak avoiding the nostrils
4. Measure the Swift's wing length (see photo below). It can only
fly if its wings are each at least 16cm long
5. Don't try and care for the Swift yourself. It is high-risk, difficult, expensive & time-consuming
6. Contact a Carer from the list below; give them information about your Swift; get the Swift to them ASAP
distance to measure is the red line on the photo (left)
chick at 2 weeks old - it weighs
38 grams |
chick at 3 weeks old - it weighs 45 grams
chick at 4 weeks old - it weighs 50 grams |
chick at 6 weeks old - it weighs 44 grams
Call a UK Swift
Carer - providing advice,
treatment and care
individuals, charities and organisations below may be able to assist:
NB: These are all independent care providers.
Where we can we
check on their abilities and procedures, but unfortunately this is usually not possible.
If you are not happy with any care provider's response please select
another. If you find a carer's services unacceptable, please inform the
RSPCA, they are the only body in England with the legal right and duty
to inspect animal care premises. In Scotland all Carers need to be
Licenced and a copy of the Licence must be on display where the public
can see it, including on web sites.
E-mail and Internet web page links are underlined
Cheshire -
RSPCA Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre,
London Road, Nantwich CW5 7JW Open 08:00 to 20:00
(21:00 May to Sept) Call 0300 1230722
Cornwall (North) - Michelle Clement - Call 07508532811 or use WhatsApp
Cumbria - Kendal College Animal Rescue Milnthorpe Road, Kendal LA9 5AY telephone 01539 814700 Monday to Friday only
Derbyshire - Pet Samaritans - St Bernard's Animal Sanctuary & Wildlife Rescue Centre, Chesterfield S41 9EA - call 01246 455777 / 07872421878
Devon (edge of Somerset) North Combe, Shillingford, Tiverton - L Goss - Call 07732 943781
Essex (Basildon) - Nature's 2nd Chance Wildlife Rescue click here to e-mail
Essex (East) Transport Only - Wildlife Ambulance - 24 hour Rescue Hotline - Call 03001 026999
Essex (Maldon) Wildlife Rescue, 30 Cross Road Maldon, CM9 5EE - Call 07811 307162
Essex (South) South Essex Wildlife Hospital - Call 01375 893893
Hampshire - Hart Wildlife Rescue Unit 9 Lower Soldridge Business Park, Soldridge Road, Medstead, Alton GU34 5JF
Hampshire - Wildlife
- Ringwood - Please phone 01425 477500 /
07765 327558
Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - Clare Nuttall - Please phone 07917877333 or e-mail here
Hertfordshire - Wildlife Welfare - Please phone 01438 313526
Isle of Wight Bird Rescue - Please phone 07939 103398 or 07505 200160 or e-mail iowbirdrescue@gmail.com
Kent - Folly Wildlife Rescue, Broadwater Forest Wildlife Hospital, Fairview Lane, Broadwater Forest, Tunbridge Wells, TN3 9LU telephone 01892 543 213
Kent and surroundings areas - Founder of Gabo Wildlife Carly Ahlen Call - telephone 07470 857171
Lancashire (South) - Bolton & Bury Swifts - please Call/Text/WhatsApp 0755 7796508
Lincolnshire (South) M Sutherland - Click the link to e-mail
/ 'phone 07947 664811
London Wildlife Protection - 07909 795064 If you find a sick or injured bird call the Emergency helpline between 9am and Midnight
London - Claire Nuttall Call - 07917 877333 Click here to e-mail
Manchester (Greater) - Bolton & Bury Swifts - please Call/Text/WhatsApp 0755 7796508
Norfolk/Suffolk/Cambs border - Claire Scarff - Texts, calls, WhatsApp to 0777 3226963
North Shropshire Summer Wings Rescue 07508 332241 (please text or leave a message if no answer)
Nottingham & Derby - Feline & Wildlife Rescue - Click the link to go to their website and make contact (also on Facebook)
Nottinghamshire - Newark - Furr & Feather Wildlife Rescue - Use 0789 2682067 to send a text
Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue, Woodway Road, Blewbury, Oxfordshire, OX11 9HW - Call 07549
Scotland - Aberdeenshire - New Arc Wildlife Rescue, Nether Auquhadlie, Auchnagatt, Ellon AB41 8UW - Click the link to e-mail or call 01358701723
Scotland (Highlands) - Highland Wildlife Rescue at 146 Ladies Loch, Brora KW9 6NG Call 07957 584817
Sheffield Yorkshire - Sheffield Swift Rescue - Click the link to e-mail or call 07850 799891
Somerset - RSPCA West Hatch Wildlife Hospital - Taunton TA3 5RT Open 0800 to 2100 Call 0300 123 0721
Somerset - Secret World Wildlife Rescue, New Road Farm, New Road, East
Huntspill, Highbridge,TA 3PZ Telephone 01278 783250
Surrey - Helena Finden-Browne - Call 01483 767209 or 07977 911985
Wildlife Aid Foundation - Randalls Farmhouse, Randalls Road, Leatherhead KT22 0AL Hours: daily 9am – 8pm
- Click the link for details
Sussex (East) Seahaven Wildlife Rescue, 14 Merewood Court, 60 Carew Road, Eastbourne BN21 23R - Call 03005 610608
Sussex (East) WRAS Wildlife Rescue, 8 The Shaw Barn, Whitesmith, Lewes, East Sussex BN8 6JD telephone 0300 1026 999
Sussex (West) A Ingram, (Horsham) please e-mail or call 0791 9090194
Sussex (East) Wildlife A & E, Unity Cottage, High Cross, Rotherfield, Crowborough TN6 3PX telephone 0770 957 4665 e-mail - click here
Wildlife Hospital, New Farm, 1 Amesbury Road, Newton Tony, Nr.
Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 0HW Call - 0785 0778752 (24 hours)
Yorkshire (North) Wildlife Haven, Thirsk Call 0777 287 1833 www.facebook.com/thewildlifehaven
Yorkshire - Leeds Swifts 07778 768719 leedsswifts@gmail.com
Yorkshire (West)
- Ilkley - Can transport birds to local
carers - Click the link to e-mail
/ 'phone 01943 816488
Transport of injured and sick wildlife (a nation-wide service) UK Wildlife Transporters - click on the link
Ask your Vet or the RSPCA -
they may be able to help, they may know of local
wildlife carers
In Europe,Turkey, South Africa & beyond contact these Swift
who provide advice & treatment & care - click on the underlined text to see their website or make contact
Siranush Tumanyan (Armenia)
Belgium - Wildlife Rescue Centres
Denmark - Swift Aid Service
Refuge de L'Arche de Noe
Saint-Joseph des Genêts, 53200
Château-Gontier, Mayenne, France 0033 2 43 07 24 38
Les Martinets d'Azur Nice, Provence, France
Les Remiges Noires Chennevières-sur-Marne, France e-mail: lesremigesnoires@gmail.com
Le Réseau des Centres de Soins de la Faune en France
Friends of the Swifts Sde Boker 39 Givatayim 5346559, Israel 0505-460371
Italy - LIPU's Guide to Wilfdlife Care Facilities - I Centri recupero in Italia
Liberi di Volare 2012
(Strada di Fiume, n.527 Trieste, Italy)
Ferrandino (Regione di Abruzzo)
(Frankfurt am Main)
/ Andaluza Centros de Recuperatión de Especias Amenazadas
CREA La Almohallas 670
94 45 92
Dunas de San Antón 670 94 61 98
CREA Los Villares 670 94 79 01
CREA El Blanqueo 670 94 56 99
Quiebrajano 670 94 62 63
CREA Pecho
Venus 670 94 45 98
San Jerónimo 670 94 15 92
de Badajoz -
AMUS (Acción por el Mundo Salvaje) 924
12 40 51
de Cáceres - Centro de Recuperación de Fauna "Los Hornos"
927 20 01 70
Wiecej informacji na temat jerzyka, kwestii zwiazanych z jego gniazdowaniem oraz
innych wskazowek mozna uzyskac na
Fundacji Ratujmy Ptaki e-mail: Warszawa ,
Johannesburg - South Africa - Friends of Free Wildlife website, telephone 082 701 8318 and e-mail
Gökçe Coşkun - wildlife rehabilitation (Turkey) & in Ankara please contact SKYD by phone +90 553 952 08 07 and e-mail
Switzerland - Zurich Canton
Switzerland - Jura-Vaud La Vaux-Lierre Chemin de la Vaux 17 1163 Etoy
+41218087495 info@vaux-lierre.ch
Essential information websites for Vets & licensed wildlife rehabilitators
Falciot Negre Deutsche Gesellschaft fűr Mauersegler e.v. 
Both sites are managed by qualified Veterinarians specialising in Swift care and have English language texts
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